Thursday, 30 January 2014

An afternoon with a SuperCar!!

Today we were very lucky to be given the opportunity to look at one of the fastest cars in the world.
That is the Lamborghini!

The fantastic car drove into John Bramston and parked itself on the school playground! 
It was amazing and the children couldn't believe their ears when they heard the engine roar. They had a great time looking at the car but also asking questions.

Some children were also lucky enough to sit inside the SuperCar. 

Here are some pictures of our super afternoon:

Getting nice and comfy

It suits you!

Looking good Naren and Sophieya


Miss Henderson showing off 'her' car


  1. That's total Miss Hendersons car (sarcasm).


  2. Lucky Alex,Billy,Sophieya and Naren. I want a go!


  3. Elina Bistere 4h2 February 2014 at 16:49

    The car was amazing, but when I grow up I do not want a car like that.It's to expensive!!!

  4. I bet Miss Hutton would like to borrow the Lamborghini for a year

    by Akira 4H

  5. The car was amazing lucky for some people they got to go in it. Also I bet some teachers would like to borrow it for a long time.

  6. Fariha Chowdhury8 February 2014 at 18:32

    First of all, I didn't know that the Lamborghini was the fastest car in the world, second, I do not agree that the teachers would like to take the Lamborghini.

  7. First of all, I disagree that the teachers will take the Lamborghini for a long time, secondly, that must have been exciting, third, never saw a Lamborghini and I agree with Elina that it is too expensive.!

    Fariha Chowdhury
