Monday, 16 December 2013

Design & Technology at Christmas

This week we made a 3D Christmas or winter decoration and we are going to tell yon how you make it.
The first thing we did was  draw 3 designs into our sketch book. After that we chose the best one out of the three to make our design.Then we were given a black piece of card to re-draw our chosen design. Once we had finished the template we cut it out so that we had our template. Then we went to  Miss.Hutton to chose our  background which we were going to put our design on. Later on we had to chose a colour felt for our design.Then we put our card template on the felt and cut out the shape of it. Then we got to design it with different colour felts however we wanted to as long as they were cold colours. Next we were going to start doing the blanket stich on one side. But the only person to succeed was Kusenthini. So we started to do the running stich to sew our design on to our 
background.The next day we finally started to do the blanket stich 3 sides around the background so that we could stuff it later.  Most of us did it but some of us needed extra help doing it.

Here are our end products 


  1. WOW! What some fantastic designs to brighten up your Christmas Trees! Merry Christmas 4H!
    Mrs Berbank
