Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Welcome Back Everyone! Happy New Year

Hello everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic break and ready to get back to work. This term we are studying London and how it has changed over the years. So if you get the chance to travel into London or have any information like leaflets, posters, booklet please don't afraid to share.

Bring on Spring Term I say!

Miss Hutton


  1. Fariha Chowdhury8 January 2014 at 17:25

    Hi everyone, I'm Fariha who was in your class but I left last term. I heard that you are going to London on the 14th of January and you are going to walk around London . I hope you ENJOY. :)

  2. We really had a good time but it could be improved if you came.

    By Sophieya Y4H
